Wilson's School

Admissions to Other Years

Waiting List

following initial allocation of places for Year 7 up to 31 December each year

Following the initial allocation of places for Year 7 a single waiting list will be established for all eligible applicants who still wish to be considered for a place should a vacancy arise. Places will be offered on the basis of the rank order of the examinations. Where candidates have the same rank order places will be allocated in accordance with the oversubscription criteria for entry to Year 7. The waiting list will be maintained until the end of the Autumn Term each year. After 31 December each year, parents who wish to apply for a place at the school must apply for in year admission through London Borough of Sutton on an In-Year Admission Application Form.

In Year Admissions Year 7 - 11

Applications for boys to join the school outside of the normal Year 7 admissions round can be made at any time (except, for Year 7, in the first term of entry as above). Applications for in-year admission will be managed in accordance with the London Borough of Sutton’s coordinated scheme for in-year admissions. If you wish to apply for a place at Wilson’s School you must name the school as one of your preferences on the In-Year Admission Application Form.

Further information can be found on the Sutton School Admissions website, including information about making an in-year application and about applying for a school place in Sutton from overseas.

Parents will receive a response to an in-year application within 15 school days.

In realistic terms it is very rare indeed for the school to have an in-year vacancy outside of the normal points of admission (start of Year 7 and Year 12). If there are no vacancies in the relevant year group, the Trustees have no choice but to turn down an application for a place on grounds that admitting an additional pupil would prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources. If the school is unable to offer a place in response to an In-Year Application his details will be added to a waiting list for the relevant year group.

In the rare event of a vacancy occurring, all candidates on the waiting list for the relevant year group will be invited to sit an entrance examination to determine selective ability and therefore eligibility for the place(s). In the event of oversubscription, the place(s) will be offered to eligible candidates (if any) in the rank order of the examination. Candidates will not be re-tested for a place at the school in the same academic year.

Parents have a statutory right of appeal if a place is not offered.

Admissions to other years
Admissions to other years
Admissions to other years
Admissions to other years