Professional Learning

Teachers at Wilson’s have very high expectations for their professional learning. All teachers appointed at Wilson’s are advanced subject experts whose fluent knowledge enables them to produce rich and challenging lessons, but they are then trained in evidence-based pedagogy to enhance their practice further.
This year, our focus has been on Collaboration, with teachers exploring rigorous methods for facilitating problem-solving in groups. This week, the focus was specifically on the ways in which pupils can be taught to improve their contributions to classroom discussions - in other words 'talking about what they are thinking'.
During the year, teachers at Wilson's also undertake cycles of Collaborative Lesson Research: planning a lesson with a colleague; teaching, observing and evaluating the lesson together. The planning is informed by wider reading and research (including that undertaken during Reading Week) as well as pupils’ work, which might include exam scripts and reports, and conversations with pupils and colleagues. This year, the focus for many subject teachers is on making more fluent use of digital technology in their classroom.